The correct way to pronounce Reiki is “ray-key”. Reiki is actually made up of two Japanese words REI meaning “Energy”. Reiki is an ancient healing art that Mikao Usui rediscovered in the early nineteenth century. Reiki has been passed down from Usui through a series of attunements passed on from a Reiki Teacher to student.Reiki is a healing system that works with both the energy and charkra systems with the body. Reiki is suitable for anyone regardless of their faith and is suitable for animals as well as humans.
With Anita Chiu, Reiki Grand Master Teacher
More and more people are into Reiki in the previous years because the technique has shown great and incredible results.
Every cell in our body is a living being. A cell is a microcosm of the whole body and contains its own memory, intelligence and function. A cell can retain the memory of any hurt or trauma it has experienced and will utilize this memory when responding to any further real or imagined hurt or trauma. This response can manifest in the body as an allergy or as pain or depression. If a just or trauma is dramatic enough or regular enough the cells in the body will respond automatically.
If someone handed you a pair of special eyeglasses that allowed you to see through your skin and beyond your physical self, the first thing you would notice would be rivers of light flowing up and down inside you body. These rivers are called Chakras / Meridians. They are energetic channels that distribute a vital material called Qi throughout your body. Another term for Qi is ” life energy “. Qi is the energy that, when flowing correctly through the Chakras / Meridians, creates health and wellness.
Every cell in our body is a living being. A cell is a microcosm of the whole body and contains its own memory, intelligence and function. A cell can retain the memory of any hurt or trauma it has experienced and will utilize this memory when responding to any further real or imagined hurt or trauma. This response can manifest in the body as an allergy or as pain or depression. If a just or trauma is dramatic enough or regular enough the cells in the body will respond automatically.